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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Breed: Oriental Longhair

The name Oriental Longhair was previously used for the Angora in North America, but this was misleading as it implied that the Angora was a longhaired Oriental Shorthair, when in fact it is not related to this breed at all. Now the Oriental Longhair correctly designates a longhair Oriental without pointing, a breed that came about from the mating of an Oriental Shorthair and a Balinese. Longhaired Orientals with pointing are either classed as Balinese or Javanese. The Oriental Longhair is an inquisitive, energetic and friendly cat, happy to play with children, craving human company and often very vocal. Their long, silky hair lies flat against the body, so they can look very like Oriental Shorthairs except for their plumed tail.

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