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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I forget to say that a few ( how about a LOT) months ago, I found a dead body of a cat that has been crushed by a car or whatever it is and the body looks like VIRO's... I almost cried but i couldn't identify the cat yet. It might be Mittens or Snowshoe... I hope that Viro is still alive and with a good owner. I still think of him everyday and it is sad to not know what has happened to him, good or bad. I hope God had given him a good owner and not have called him home. All I would like to say is that: Ahem... Thank you Viro for teaching me many things. The thought of you can only remind me of the wonderful days. I love you. Remember all the days we spent together and how you would chase me when I am on my bike? Yeah... I cannot forget you. Now that you are gone, I can only hope you are alive. May god bless you. Now that I am only left with Blackdark, Black face, Garfield, Run- away, snowshoe, Stripo, Mittens, Milky, Run-away's family and many more that I have not named, I still cannot forget my best companion although when I go downstairs, I will receive the thing that people will describe as "unconditional love", I still cannot say that I am happy. Only you Viro can make my day. Next on the list will be black face although I just got to know him better... hahas... Don't worry about big bully Meowy. He is better now and will follow me some times and well, I dare to pet him now. I would never forget you Viro...... Love ya!

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